As we want every interaction with the Loake Shoemakers brand and its products to be a pleasant one with added value for customers, we invite you to discover Loake products in partner stores or in the Loake showroom in Bucharest.

Because personal services have added value, and conventional retail requires qualified staff, products available in partner stores or physical showrooms may have distinct prices.

However, all additional information you receive in Loake showrooms or partner stores will justify any possible price differences. For example, you can benefit from specialized advice on choosing the size, model, shoe and even color, shoe care and maintenance demonstrations and tricks on how your shoes can become comfortable in just a few hours. Moreover, for shoes purchased from Loake physical showrooms, the price includes a stretch on the heel, for a flawless first-hand experience.

In this way, we want to emphasize that the pricing policy practiced belongs to each independent retailer, ranging from purchase costs to additional services offered, and pricing is a practice that is against the law.